Don’t let your guests go hungry, make sure to purchase the right size of pig for your event and aim to allow at least 1lb raw weight per person. A 100lb Pig will yield approximately 45/50lb of cooked meat.
Don't let you pig fall in the fire - ensure that it is securely attached to the roasting pole. With strong clamps including through the spine, avoid using chicken wire and batons.
Have an adequate heat source to cook your pig to a safe temperature of 72 deg C in time to feed your guests, ensure that you do not make anybody ill. Roasting over open coals can take one hour or more for every 10lb of meat.
You'll need a strong powerful motor to ensure even cooking of your pig: avoid under cooked meat on the inside and burnt wasted meat and inedible skin.
Don't make a mess at the party, spilt grease on your deck will not go down well, ensure that you have a large tray to carve up your pig and contain the meat juices.