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Hips of beef can be called different things depending on the area you are from. A full hip is more likely to large to place on the machine without it catching. I suggest using a ponderosa hip or a steamship round. Ideally you are looking for a cut of beef that is around 40-80lb in size. Bone in is great for presentation but can make putting on the pole more difficult.
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The general rule of thumb on a BBQ pig is 40-50% meat yield from raw butchered weight. So a 60lb Pig will give you approximately 25-30lb of cooked meat and will feed around 55 people. You'll need at least 1lb raw weight per person for a mixed group, for a bunch of hungry men I would recommend allowing 1.5lb raw weight per person.
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In A Box

Are you looking to start a BBQ catering business? Let us help you: unique roasting system, sales and operational support with free training. Work at something you love.