Knights of Columbus Kitimat Local 5148
Knights of Columbus Kitimat Local 5148
Kitimat, BC
PigOut's Recent Success Story
on 24 April 2018.
"It has been great working with you Dale Terreberry and we do appreciate the great and timely service you and your team have provided us. Our organization is called Knights of Columbus Kitimat Local 5148 and it is a non-profit fraternal brotherhood organization of good Catholic men providing charitable contributions to our community. We do fundraising by providing breakfasts, lunches to the Parish community as well as hot meals to school students. We donate proceeds from our fundraising to those in need within our community."
Learning about the PigOut Roaster we thought of expanding the service we are currently providing and be able to perform a proper business type of catering service as the flagship of our fund raising. We have several members that are food safe trained with some catering knowledge and experience and we plan to capitalize on this and would love to partner with your catering business to be able to gain proper training as well as help promote the PigOut Roaster and catering business. I have been formulating this idea for quite sometime but like in other organizations it takes several decision makers to buy-in before we can proceed.
Further information for our group can be seen at our facebook page,
Thank you,
Joey Herrin
Kitimat, BC V8C 1T0