Established in 2017 Wilsons Haus of Lechon is a family-owned restaurant nestled in the heart of the bustling “Little Manila” District of Toronto, Ontario. Known for bringing home-cooked Cebuano recipes to the table, they specialize in authentic Filipino Lechon Baboy (pork) and Manok (chicken), Liempo (pork belly), and other delicious cultural dishes. Throughout their fours years of business they have built a substantial following in their community to the point where individuals all throughout the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) travel upwards to 2 hours just to try their food. This following has allowed them to not only grow their business but thrive during the Covid Pandemic as loyal customers have continued to visit and make social distance orders such as curbside pickup and delivery.
At the root of their success is their ingenuity and passion for home cooked Cebuano cuisine and an innate ability to adapt and create opportunities to provide the best meals possible. This is evident in how they manufactured their own outdoor charcoal grill which helps to achieve authentic flavours but through smoke and aromatics also draws in new customers from around the community. When it comes to their Lechon however, that is where their Propane Roasters and Outdoor Cooking Centers shine. Starting with one roaster they found that their Lechon Baboy was an immediate hit, and it was evident that their orders for 10-20 fully roasted pigs a week were going to require a little extra firepower and in less than one year they purchased their second unit.
Soon after, within the first few years of business Wilson’s Haus of Lechon went on to purchase two more Roasters in order to help capitalize and profit on the demand for their authentic Lechon, and these units have been integral to the success they experience today. Having additional Roasters also allowed them to begin offering roasted lechon at off-site locations such as local sport events and festivals all while still maintaining the ability to operate their restaurant. In fact, their Propane Roasters have been such a key to their success that they have gone on to purchase their 5th and 6th Roasters as they have plans to expand and open a second restaurant in the GTA. It is stories like this that make us proud to manufacture the highest quality Pig Roasters on the market and provide restaurants and caterers alike the ability to specialize in incredible lechon or roasted pigs, and we look forward to the helping Wilsons Haus of Lechon in their future expansion.
If you are ever in the Toronto area and would like to try authentic Cebuano food, you can find Wilsons Haus of Lechon at 365 Wilson Ave in North York, we highly suggest it!