Well it’s another busy day: the juggling begins, prioritizing the events in your calendar and day.
Food deliveries, staff rota, wages management, logistics, banking, time planning for future events,
arranging weekly meetings to execute events, customer service, sales, research, take the dog
for a walk! (the poor dog is always last!).
In amongst your busy day of juggling tasks and events, a corporate client calls with whom you work regularly, “Hi,
can you do our company customer appreciation picnic again? Can you do something different?
BBQ is great but can we switch it up a bit?”
Ugghh, burgers and hot dogs, we could try different toppings, spices maybe? No that won't do.
You suddenly remember PigOut! You saw their Roasters and were mighty impressed but didn’t know if you
could justify the cost of new equipment, training, and understanding, but it's worth a call isn't it? Okay, let
me take half an hour and research. https://www.pigoutroasters.com/
Everything you need to know is there, equipment, financing, and very helpful sales staff who
know how it all works. You can even arrange a Zoom meeting with PigOut and your chef to get
his input.
You take the plunge and purchase a PigOut Roaster. You offer it to your corporate client. They
are delighted at the prospect of the spectacle, the WOW factor is going to impress not just your
customers but their customers as well.
The good news for you is you can charge a premium price for this new experience. So, the big day
arrives, and your chef makes a quick couple of calls to PigOut to reassure himself he is doing
everything correctly. The event goes really well, you and your staff are getting compliments from
all of the people there, it is a great success. The chef is delighted it was so easy to use and move
and especially, clean. He can’t wait for the next one as he has some good ideas for sides and options
to complement the roast. Your corporate customer calls you the next day “ can you book us in for our annual
company Pig Roast?” You are feeling good about your new pig roast menu. Then the phone
goes again: “Hi I was at a pig roast event you catered, it was fantastic great food, great service!
I have been asked to organize our company staff summer party, are you available to do a Pig
Roast later this month?”
Everyone is delighted, your staff, your customers and their customers. You can relax knowing
you have a new popular and easy-to-execute catering package, you have added a new service
with no hassle. You even have more time to take the dog for a walk!
Oh and PigOut also wins: a year later you are on the phone to them, “Hi we bought a roaster last
year and it is working out a little too well, we have taken too much business for one roaster, can
you send us another one?”