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Preparing a whole roasted lamb is easy with your PigOut Roaster and can be an impressive addition to your party. Here are some tips for your next lamb roast.
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Turkey and Stuffing
Its that time of year again! There can be all kinds of pressure leading up to the big day, but preparing your spit roasted turkey shouldn't be one of them. With capacity for upwards of 4 whole turkeys to cook directly on the spit (or more if using the roaster baskets) the PigOut Roaster will be sure to feed an army or a hungry family. Here are some tips for preparing turkey on the roaster
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After much consideration of different companies to purchase a Charcoal Pig Cooker, Dr. Kristoffa chose the PigOut Charcoal Roaster for it's outstanding motor weight capiblities and quality along with the presentation of the Pig Cooker.
Perfection the first time!
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J's Kitchen Catering offers the only food catering service in my Bonnyville, Alberta serving Filipino cuisine and of course Pig Roast catering. Invite your friends and family and let J's Kitchen Catering do the rest. Learn the reasons why J's Kitchen Catering chose PigOut Roasters!
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Allow plenty of time for Roasting, approx 1 hour per 10lb, this will vary depending upon outside temperature, type of charcoal used, wind and the height setting of your pig on the Rotisserie.
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A Luau is a great theme, the girls get pretty with their floral leis, the guys get loud with their Hawaiian shirts.
Here are some tips on arranging a Backyard Luau Party on a Budget.
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In A Box

Are you looking to start a BBQ catering business? Let us help you: unique roasting system, sales and operational support with free training. Work at something you love.